T. 66.1, s. 19-33

Zróżnicowanie i zmiany cech wypływów wód podziemnych w zlewni górnej Bystrzycy Dusznickiej

Variability and changes in features of springs in the upper Bystrzyca Dusznicka river catchment

Malwina KOZEK
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych
e-mail: malwina.kozek@geo.uni.lodz.pl
ORCID: 0000-0001-7743-6636

Abstract: The study presents the assessment of spatial distribution, including vertical variability of selected features of springs. For this aim, the data obtained during three hydrological mapping sessions in the upper Bystrzyca Dusznicka river catchment in the period of 1995–2018 was used. Thanks to the long-term observation series, comparative spatial analyzes of statistical distribution of spring’s selected features were possible. Furthermore, the variability of temperature, reaction and conductivity of rivers and springs were estimated, assessing these parameters along the tributaries course of the Bystrzyca Dusznicka river. Results for years of various precipitation conditions were compared. Presented analyzes allowed to identify and valorize the factors determining the variability and changes in springs characteristics during dry and moist years.

Key words: springs, spring regime, water physicochemical parameters

Zalecany sposób cytowania / Cite as: Kozek M., 2021, Zróżnicowanie i zmiany cech wypływów wód podziemnych w zlewni górnej Bystrzycy Dusznickiej, Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 66.1, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 19-33, DOI: 10.48128/pisg/2021-66.1-02

Wpłynęło: 18.03.2020
Zaakceptowano: 29.12.2020

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