T.67.2, s. 51-82

Proces ocieplenia w Polsce – przebieg i przyczyny (1951–2018). Przejaw wewnętrznej dynamiki systemu klimatycznego czy proces antropogeniczny?

The warming process in Poland – course and causes (1951–2018). The manifestation of the internal dynamics of the climate system or an anthropogenic process?

Andrzej A. MARSZ
Polskie Towarzystwo Geofizyczne, Oddział Bałtycki
e-mail: aamarsz127@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-1962-8004
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
e-mail: astys19@wp.pl
ORCID: 0000-0001-8763-9154

Abstract: The work discusses the course of the annual air temperature over Poland in the years 1951–2018, stating in it a sudden change of the regime that took place in 1987–1989. In the period 1951–1988 and 1931–1988 the annual temperature trend was zero, and the warming did not start until 1988, with the change of the temperature regime. The reason for the change in the thermal regime was an equally radical change in the macrocirculation conditions that took place as a result of the change in the phase of the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. Explanation of the sequence of processes, which led to the increase in temperature, indicates that they are the result of the internal dynamics of the climate system and not a consequence of the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Key words: air temperature, change of the regime, Poland, thermohaline circulation, North Atlantic

Zalecany sposób cytowania / Cite as: Marsz A.A., Styszyńska A., 2022, Proces ocieplenia w Polsce – przebieg i przyczyny (1951–2018). Przejaw wewnętrznej dynamiki systemu klimatycznego czy proces antropogeniczny?, Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 67.2, , Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 51–82, DOI: 10.48128/pisg/2022-67.2-04

Wpłynęło: 27.12.2021
Zaakceptowano: 04.07.2022

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