Dean of the Faculty

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Jędrusik
Room: 119
Phone: +48 (22) 5520631
Prof. Jędrusik specialises in regional geography and tourism geography, in particular studying the phenomena and processes that occur in isolated areas and the links between isolation and globalisation, chiefly on islands. He is also interested in contemporary global political phenomena and their impact on the societies and economies of individual countries. He is particularly interested in culinary geography.
He has carried out field observations and studies in France, Greece, Cuba, Southeast Asia, Ethiopia, Gabon, the islands in the Indian Ocean (including Madagascar, Maldives and Mascarenes), the Lesser Antilles, Polynesia and Melanesia. He has also visited the United States, North Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and most countries in Europe. He has published two scientific monographs and about 100 original scientific articles in the field of agricultural geography, tourism geography, regional geography and pedagogy of geography, and more than 50 popular science articles. He has authored or co-authored 10 textbooks and encyclopaedias. Abroad, his works have been published in India, France, the Czech Republic, Germany, the United Kingdom, Taiwan and Martinique.
He is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development.” Apart from teaching, he has a passion for travelling, photography and regional cuisines. He likes to spend his precious free time reading good crime fiction.
Deputy Dean for Personal Affairs

dr hab. Irena Tsermegas, Assoc. Prof.
Room: 208
Phone: +48 (22) 5520653
She is a geomorphologist, and her scientific interests focus on the issues of natural and anthropogenic transformations of the relief, in particular the degradation of terraced slopes in Mediterranean conditions, the influence of endogenic processes on contemporary transformations of the relief, and the morphological effects of the Olęder settlement in the Vistula Valley. She conducted fieldwork primarily in Greece, which was the subject of both her doctoral and habilitation dissertations, and in cooperation with employees of the National University of Athens, she participated in conducting geomorphological and geographical workshops in various regions of Greece. She completed several research internships in Athens and Thessaloniki and conducted joint research with two Greek research teams. She is the author of over 30 scientific publications, as well as many texts in field workshop materials and several articles popularizing geographical knowledge. She participated in many conferences and scientific seminars.
Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Development

dr Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska
Room: 122A
Phone: +48 (22) 5520648
Dr Dudek-Mańkowska specialises in studies on social transformations occurring in cities, and the shaping of urban brands. She actively participates in scientific conferences and research projects, as well as various programmes, scholarships and scientific internships (Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Charles University in Prague, Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier and the University of Vienna).
She has received many awards and distinctions in numerous competitions (including a distinction in the competition for best doctoral dissertations awarded by the monthly “Samorząd Terytorialny”, and an award in the Scholarship Competition “Nowoczesny Uniwersytet” for the best young doctoral graduates). She has authored numerous expert opinions in the creative sector and in the field of territorial marketing and brownfield remediation in cities. Theatre, gardening and working with border collies are among her favourite pastimes.
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs

dr Jolanta Korycka-Skorupa
Room: 12
Phone: +48 (22) 5520672
Dr. Jolanta Korycka-Skorupa is a cartographer. Her scientific interests include cartographic visualization. She focuses on how to clearly and effectively present information on a map, which is often complex and multi-faceted. She conducts research with users, analyzing the usability of maps. She has been teaching for many years, popularizing geography and cartography, and she really likes her job. She had the opportunity to share her knowledge and experience during her research stays in Norway, Spain, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic. She likes to travel with maps and in this way satisfies her curiosity about the world.