Discover J-culture with JD-Mates’ event from Fukuoka Women’s University

Stowarzyszenie studenckie z Fukuoka Women’s University (Japonia) zaprasza studentów z WGiSR na wydarzenie o charakterze społeczno-kulturowym, które odbędzie się online w dniach 5-6 sierpnia br. Wezmą w nim udział studenci z wszystkich uczelni należących do konsorcjum naukowego CASEUF (Consortium of ASEAN-EU-Fukuoka Universities). Poniżej szczegółowe informacje w języku angielskim.

We, the JD-Mates (Japanese buddies for international students) in FWU, would like to invite you to our event「DISCOVER J-culture with JD-Mates」 that will take place for 2 days this summer for free. There are 3 types of sessions: lecture, workshop, and discussion forum. Choose the sessions you are interested in & Join us to learn Japanese language and culture, and have a chance to interact with students!

・When : 5-6 August 2021

・Where: Zoom

・Fee : Free

・Main language : English


(Japan Standard Time, GMT+9)

[Day 1 | Thursday,  August 5, 2021]

15:30-16:00   Opening ceremony

16:00-17:00   Parallel sessions

            【Lecture 1】 Japanese Language Learning for Beginners

            Japanese Conversation Cafe for Intermediate

17:05-18:05 【Workshop 1】 Origami

18:05-18:20   Break time

18:20-19:20 【Workshop 2】 Traditional Dance

19:25-20:55 【Discussion Forums on Three Topics】

            (1) Japanese Food Culture

            (2) Environmental & Life Science

            (3) Japanese Linguistics


[Day 2 | Friday,  August 6, 2021]

16:00-17:00 【Lecture 2】Anime & Manga

17:05-18:05 【Workshop 3】 Manga

18:05-18:20   Break time

18:20-19:20 【Workshop 4】Rakugo

19:25-20:25 【Workshop 5】Mizuhiki

20:25-20:40   Closing ceremony

●What you can do

・learn practical Japanese language

・discover and experience the Japanese culture in the comfort of your home

・express your insight on some topics

・ interact with Japanese students (also Japanese major students)

Important Note

・Please understand that each session has a limited capacity.

・Please register for the sessions you are going to attend in the registration link

   below by July 5.

・All zoom sessions will be recorded. Please understand that by joining the sessions,

   you consent to being recorded.

・If you join more than 5 sessions and submit the event feedback, you will receive a

    Certificate of Participation.

We’d love to see you among us at DISCOVER J-culture with JD-Mates .

REGISTER Nowgoogle.application.form

CLICK here to get more information in our website