4th – 5th July 2019: Universities and Climate Change: Understanding and managing the extreme impacts of climate change, Warsaw, Poland

Many universities across the world perform state-of-the-art research on matters related to climate change, both in respect of mitigation and adaptation. Yet, as shown by the latest 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP 21), held in Paris in December 2015, there is much room for improvements in the role played by universities in the negotiations and in influencing decision-making on a matter of such a global importance.

There are unfortunately relatively few events where a multidisciplinary overview of university-based research efforts and projects on climate change can be showcased, and where researchers from across the spectrum of the natural and social sciences have had the opportunity to come together to discuss research methods, the results of empirical research or exchange ideas about on-going and future research initiatives focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

It is against this background that the 3rd Symposium “Universities and Climate Change” is being organised by the University of Warsaw (Poland), Manchester Metropolitan University, (UK), and HAW Hamburg, Germany, under the auspices of the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIP).

The event will focus on urban issues such as heat waves, urban floods on the one hand, and the role of hydrological, ecological and social factors, on the other. The role played by the presence, quality and usability of green spaces and other green infrastructure such as street trees, green walls and roofs in climate change mitigation and adaptation in an urban context will also be explored.

It will involve researchers in the field of climate change in the widest sense, not only from traditional climate science but also from the fields of environment, human geography, business and economics, arts, administration and media studies.

The Symposium will reiterate the role of climate change research and projects in fostering climate action and will contribute to the further development of this fast-growing field.

More information – please see here:  https://www.haw-hamburg.de/en/ftz-nk/events/warsaw2019.html